Gallery: Presidents Ball

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From May, 2016-17, Ted Donner served as President of the DuPage County Bar Association. He was sworn in by Hon. William Bauer, who had himself served as president in 1963. The Installation Dinner and Presidents' Ball was held at Medinah Country Club, with the music provided by our own Kara Kesselring and the Standing Room Orchestra. Not counting Ted, some 22 past presidents were in attendance among a sold out house of roughly 250 attendees. The past presidents in attendance included Lynn Cavallo, Joe Mirabella, Jay Laraia, Hon. William Bauer, Kent Gaertner, Fred Spitzzeri, Glenn Gaffney, Hon. Neal Cerne, Pat Hurley, Kevin Millon, Steve Ruffalo, Hon. Steve Culliton, Colleen McLaughlin, Joe Laraia, Hon. Tom Else, Hon. Jim McCluskey, Rick Felice, Christine Ory, Terry Ekl, John (Jack) Donahue, Tom Sullivan, and Paul Brinkman.    
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